Web Compendium Sitemap



Core Web Vitals

Web Vitals is an initiative by Google that aims to provide quality signals regarding web performance. Its subset called Core Web Vitals consists of the most important of these signals. [web.dev, web.dev, web.dev, chromium.googlesource.com]

Web Vitals defines additional, non-core, metrics [web.dev]:

Resource Hints

Resource hints are instructions to the browser to optimize (pre)loading of specific resources. They are specified with the <link> element [MDN] and the rel attribute [MDN].

Priority Hints

Priority hints describes a browser API enabling developers to signal the priority of each resource they need to download. It introduces the fetchpriority attribute that may be used with HTML elements such as <img>, <link>, <script> and <iframe> and the priority attribute on the RequestInit of fetch. [wicg/priority-hints]

Early Hints