Content Navigation

With FrontAid CMS, it is possible to model your content however you need it. And then you can easily navigate through it accordingly. Imagine the file explorer on your computer. You can open a directory and then see its content which consists of files and sub directories. You can either open a file or open yet another directory. FrontAid CMS is very similar to that. As it supports nested objects, lists, and fields, you can navigate through them as if you would do in your file explorer.

Note that content navigation by itself does not change your content in any way. It is merely a way to find and focus on content that you need to update.

When you open a Project, you will see all the root items (objects, lists, and fields). Then you can zoom in on a nested object or list by clicking on the line to the left side of an item. That will focus on that particular object value or list item and hide everything else. You can then optionally zoom in even further.

On the top, you see the breadcrumb (i.e. the path from the root to the currently zoomed in item). By clicking on the root or a particular item in the breadcrumb, you can zoom out again.

Instead of zooming, you can also expand and item by clicking the blue triangle. FrontAid then also shows its nested objects, lists, and fields. From there you can expand more items or zoom in instead. You can also collapse an expanded object or list item again by clicking the triangle.

When your current view has several expanded items, you can easily collapse by one when you click the “-” button on the right side of the “Save” button. What this does is finding the deepest expanded item and collapsing everything that has the same depth. So by clicking it repeatedly, you will end up with only the root items (or if zoomed in, with the items directly in the correponding zoom path).