Generic Content Types

FrontAid CMS supports three generic content types: Objects, lists, and fields.

An object is like a two-column table; each row contains a key and a value. An example object might be a person which has a name and an address. These two properties are the keys and they have values. Additionally, objects can also be nested. The address value could be its own object which contains the street, zip, and city keys. Then again, each of those keys has a value.
A list is a compilation of objects. There might be none or multiple objects within a list. For example if your project contains a blog, a list is used to manage multiple blog posts. And each post itself is an object which could contain a title, an author, and a blog text.
Fields are the normal form input fields where you can manage texts or similar content. Depending on the defined field type, that may be single-line text, formatted text, a date, or something else. To reuse the blog example from above, the post title and text are fields whose content can be managed.